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Your business can't ignore mobile devices.

It seems like everyone is focusing their attention on their mobile devices.  For better or worse according to,  roughly three-quarters of Americans or 77% now own a smartphone.  77% is too big of a percentage to ignore. The truth is that Americans are using their cell phones more and more over their desktops to look at websites and do their shopping.  If your business wants to stay competitive, you can’t ignore the mobile revolution anymore.
Is your website designed for mobile?
If your website is not adaptable for mobile, now is the time to make that change. The first thing to realize when adjusting your site for the mobile platform is to understand that tablets and smartphones have limitations.
The 1st limitation
Mobile screen size is the first limitation that you will need to adapt your website. Mobile screens are a lot smaller. This means that the real estate you have to display your message and promote your products needs to adjust the screen size changes. Prioritize your website, so your most important content is at the top, and you need to delete unimportant information. Keep it simple.
The  2nd limitation
The second limitation that mobile devices have is the speed they can download content.  Cell phones performance capabilities are especially important to consider when choosing picture sizes. Photo size and type can significantly affect how your images load and look on a mobile device. Remember that not everyone has the fastest phone or the unlimited cell phone data plan. Remember that the more efficient you can make your website load the better experience you create for your customers.
The 3rd limitation
The third limitation for mobile devices is that your customers will not be using a mouse.  Make your links, buttons and other menus easily accessible and finger friendly.  

Hire a professional if you don’t know what you are doing
These changes are not for the technologically challenged. Making these changes to your website is essential and can’t be ignored. It is necessary to get this right as more and more people are using smartphones and tablets for visiting sites. A professional website design company can make sure your site is functional for all platforms and accessible to more people by meeting ADA websites standards.  Do this today; your business can't ignore mobile devices anymore.


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