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Showing posts from November, 2017

Your business can't ignore mobile devices.

It seems like everyone is focusing their attention on their mobile devices.  For better or worse according to,  roughly three-quarters of Americans or 77% now own a smartphone.  77% is too big of a percentage to ignore. The truth is that Americans are using their cell phones more and more over their desktops to look at websites and do their shopping.  If your business wants to stay competitive, you can’t ignore the mobile revolution anymore. Is your website designed for mobile? If your website is not adaptable for mobile, now is the time to make that change. The first thing to realize when adjusting your site for the mobile platform is to understand that tablets and smartphones have limitations. The 1st limitation Mobile screen size is the first limitation that you will need to adapt your website. Mobile screens are a lot smaller. This means that the real estate you have to display your message and promote your products needs to adjust the screen size changes

Marketing, are you doing it?

The number one mistake small businesses make is cutting costs by eliminating their marketing funds. A business owner cutting their marketing budget is like a farmer who stops watering their plants to save money on their water bills. If your business is struggling the reason may be because you have been neglecting your marketing. Start off small but smart. Small companies should start with lean marketing. Make sure you are doing the things that are free and pick inexpensive marketing options that can be tracked or measured to see if they are successful activities. If you find a marketing venue that works make sure you repeat what works for you. Set aside a marketing budget that you can draw from to make your marketing more professional and reach more people. Marketing pays off in the long run, and you may not see a return right away. Remember that marketing is like farming, you need to plant the seeds and wait and nurture it until you can bring in the harvest.  It takes patience a

Five tips to make social media work for your business.

1.  Understand your brand. It doesn't matter which way you go if you don't care where you end up.  Before you start making social media posts, make sure you understand your brand, and where you want your social media posts to take your business. Make a plan about the content you plan on posting, how often you plan on posting and if you are going to be actively creating content or outsourcing it to a company that specializes in social media posts and marketing. 2. Keep your sales pitches to a minimum. Your social media should be engaging to your followers. Your posts should invite your followers to your site from time to time, so your websites can make the sale pitches.  Your posts should funnel traffic to your website.   3. Quality photos and videos are a must. We live in a digital world, and you need to grab people's attention with images and videos to have a successful social media campaign. Wow, your followers with quality videos and photos. 4. Have a soc